Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Website: Essays website

I found out about this essays site, and they claim that one can buy essays from them. So, if that's the case, then what's new about this site. The new thing about this web site however is the fact that they also ask you to sell your essays to them. They also have a very helpful page, where they give you tips on how to write a good essay. They call it Write an Essay in Ten Steps. That link can be found here.

On the website, one essay that I found was titled 'Ernest Hemingway', while another essay was titled 'The Comic Character in Three Periods of English Drama'. The web site clearly states that students can simply sell their college and term essays to them and if they accept those essays based on the terms which aren't really clear, then they would make a payment for the essays bought. It also lists the number of words that exist in an essay. The website goes on to say that they would pay upto 350 Euros for an essay. I thought that was pretty high. But one needs to test the system before we begin to doubt it. There are various categories here, in terms of the subjects displayed. Though I am sure as the site develops, they would do better and introduce further categories.

Sounds interesting, isn't it?

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